To My Nephews & Nieces

What I have for you is more challenging, in the sense that we who love you are not your parents; We want to love you and place proper due and respect to your parents at the same time.

You must know that your parents love you, no matter what you may think of them. We implore you to place your trust in them because they have seen much more than you will ever see. You will be stronger than them, smarter than them, better than them… You may close the gap in all things and reach them in terms of competence, but you need to know that they have certainly made more mistakes than you have, and for this, they will certainly be wiser than you. Always.

And even if it does not seem like it, know that even in their incompetence, even in their mistakes – the ones you see, and the ones you don’t – that they love you. They may not love you the way you would expect them to love you, but they certainly and absolutely love you, with their best.

Don’t make my mistake. Don’t realize how much your parents love you before it’s too late. I was blessed to have known in my heart that my late Dad did everything he did for my mom and his sons, but it’s a shame that I only realized this 2 years after we lay his body to rest.

You will have your disagreements. You will feel bitter towards them. You will have an emotional rollercoaster of a time with your parents – if you see it now, wait till 5 years down the line! But don’t ever look back at all this and think that your parents never loved you…

They do. And it is my role as your Uncle to live this message to you, as much as I continue to be the brother to your Dad.

I’m so excited to see how Christ will raise you up. I love you so much.

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